Constraints and Resources in Natural Language Syntax and Semantics
Gosse Bouma
Not Available
Lexical and Constructional Aspects of Linguistic Explanation
Gert Webelhuth and 2 more
Slavic in Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar
Robert D University of Wales and 3 more
Linking by Types in the Hierarchical Lexicon
Anthony R University of California and 1 more
Argument Realization
Miriam Butt
Grammatical Interfaces in HPSG
Ronnie Cann
Anthony R Davis
Discontinuous NPs in German
Kordula De Kuthy
Complex Predicates
Stefan Muller
Topics in the Clausal Syntax of German
Judith Berman
Optimality-Theoretic Syntax:
Jonas Kuhn
Nominal Constructions in Modern Greek
Dimitra Kolliakou
Nominals: Inside and Out
Lexical Semantics in LFG
Miriam Butt and 1 more
Voice and Grammatical Functions in Austronesian Languages
Peter K Austin
Layers of Aspect
Patricia Cabredo Hofherr
Patricia Cabredo Hofherr and 1 more
The Dynamics of Lexical Interfaces
Ruth Kings College London Kempson and 2 more
Predicative Constructions
Frank Van Eynde
Formal and Empirical Issues in Optimality Theoretic Syntax
Peter Stanford University and 1 more